In this course, we will build a simple Spring Boot REST API.
We will use the below technology stack to build a simple Spring Boot REST API.
- Spring Boot
- Spring Boot Starter Web
- Spring Boot Starter Data JPA
- Spring Boot Actuator
- H2 Database
- Springfox Swagger 2
- Java 11
Course Objectives
- Understanding Spring Boot – When was Spring Boot created and What is it?
- Benefits of using Spring Boot – Why to use Spring Boot?
- Very Important Features of Spring Boot
- SpringBootApplication Annotation – What are the benefits of using @SpringBootApplication.
- Auto Configuration – What is Auto Configuration and How we can enable it ? How to create Custom Auto Configuration ?
- Spring Boot Starters – What are the benefits of using Starters? How to add these starters in the Application?
- Embedded Servers – Know about different Embedded Servers and how to override the default port and also change the Server.
- Spring Boot Actuator – What is the use of Spring Boot Actuator? What are the different actuator endpoints ?
- What is REST? Understand the actual meaning of REST(Representation State Transfer)
- REST Principles – Understand various REST Principles in Depth
- REST Verbs and Idempotent Verbs
- Designing resource URIs in REST API
- Build a Simple Spring Boot REST API
- Explore H2 Console
- Explore Actuator Endpoints
- Use Swagger UI to hit all the exposed endpoints of the REST API and test different scenarios.
Who this course is for:
- Java developers who want to learn about Spring Boot
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