C# 10 Complete Master Course


  • The activities must be reproduces on a compatible version of Windows, Mac or Linux operating system. You must know how to use your operating system
  • You should have a prior experience in software development


This course is the perfect course to dive into the C# language concepts

C# is one of the most popular programming languages. It is a powerful cross-platform language.

After learning and mastering the language, you will be able to go further and learn ASP Net Core to develop web apps, or you can work as a mobile or Desktop developer after learning .NET MAUI. In this course, we will walk through the language internals and you will be able to proceed to the next step. You will learn C# basics and more on Visual Studio Code. The most important aspects of the language are included in this course. This is the course for you to become a productive and skilled C# developer.

A course for all platforms

This course is made for Windows, Mac and Linux developers. Since the first versions of .NET Core, C# became a real cross platform programming language. We will work on Visual Studio Code, one of the most popular code editors.

This course is a deep dive in the C# language. We will focus on the language and its best practices.

In the first sections, we will have an overview of the fundamentals of the language, including:

  • C# basics
  • The flow of execution of programs
  • The language structure and syntax
  • Data types

Then we will learn more intermediate concepts like:

  • Classes, structures and enumerations
  • Members: fields, properties and methods
  • Type conversions
  • Inheritance and interfaces
  • Generics
  • Nullable value types

That will lead us to the most advanced topics:

  • Collections
  • Error handling
  • Delegates
  • Immutability and equality

Coding along the way

Every section of this course comes with slides that contain all the key concepts, practical examples, quizzes and some challenges. You can follow along and learn C# by coding

Who is this course for ?

This course is suited C# newbies, students or even developers who want to learn the language or consolidate their knowledge about the language

By the end of the course you will have all the knowledge and practice to be a productive C# developer in your studies or in your professional environment.

This course is about C# 9. A new section about C# 10 new features has been released.

So join me and start off your C# learning journey !

Who this course is for:

  • Students who are new to C#
  • Developers who want to learn or learn more about C#
  • People that are passionate about C#

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