Learn Alpine Js From Scratch To Real World Projects


  • Basic HTML knowledge
  • Basic IT skills


This course will rapidly guide you to become an Alpine JS developer. This course is friendly to those who know nothing about Alpine JS, as we start by teaching the basic concepts. We will first thoroughly explain the essential topics and concepts and go through the necessary Alpine JS documentation in order to teach you the fundamentals. We will then dive into creating real world Alpine Js examples, such as ice cream carousel and a todo list web application.

This course will enhance your Alpine Js development skills and you will appreciate how awesome Alpine Js actually is. After completing this Alpine Js examples that we teach, you will be able to rapidly and efficiently develop beautiful and functional web applications.

This course will first cover the essential topics such as:

  • Local state and nesting data
  • Reusable data portion of a component
  • Global state to share state between different elements
  • Alpine JS directives, such as x-data, x-show, x-on and many other important directives
  • Event listeners, such as @keyup, @click, @submit and many other event listeners
  • Submitting forms with Alpine JS
  • Browser events
  • Alpine JS lifecycle hooks
  • Hooks that bind to state data keys

After covering the fundamentals, we will then go through some awesome tailwind examples:

  • Ice Cream Carousel, for this project we will cover:
    • Creating an alpine object
    • Displaying the active slide based on the Alpine JS state object
    • Implementing the next and previous buttons for changing the active slide
    • Designing the website with Tailwind CSS
    • Using Alpine JS applicable directives
  • Todo List Web Application, for this project we will cover:
    • Designing the todo’s input section container
    • Implementing the input element and add todo button
    • Implementing the local state data object
    • Showing todos and editing  them
    • Marking todos as completed
    • Implementing the remove button and fixing issues
    • Editing only a specific item

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to grasp Alpine JS and the theory behind it in a short amount of time

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content from: https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-alpine-js-from-scratch-to-real-world-projects



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