Start Coding Like The Biggest Software Companies in The World!
I don’t like to do theoretical things, I like to do something Practical!
This is not a reading documentation course. You have here a real-world project to learn from, and you will see the exact place of every feature of every technology used in this course.
You will learn how to build a Full Web Application MEAN stack using Angular.
In this course you will learn to use technologies like:
For Frontend :
– Angular 12, And Structuring your Project
– NX Monorepo
– PrimeNg Material Library
– NGRX For User Session
For Backend ( WebAPI )
– NodeJs
– Express
– MongoDB
– JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
MEAN Stack is an acronym for MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node.js – whereby all these four are integrated to form solution-built full-stack JavaScript applications.
Almost, every web development player in the market is trying to become a MEAN stack app developer.
You will learn the basics of building Angular apps. First, you will discover how to set up your environment in record time, including how to debug and run your app. Then, you will explore the Angular component library and how to style your layouts for a great feel. Finally, you will delve into how to call an HTTP API from your app.
When you’re finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of Angular, Nodejs And Architecture skills which are needed to tackle profitable, cross-platform projects without learning at least multiple programming languages.
Also, this course is a perfect to the concepts of server-side web development. You’ll learn the different parts that make up the back-end of a website or web application, and you’ll gain familiarity with the Node.js runtime environment. After this course, you’ll be set up to explore popular Node frameworks like Express.js to build great API’s.
You learn in this course how to use mongoDb without any installing extra tools, MongoDB is now on cloud, so you will store your database in safe place!
Main Features:
- E-Shop APP From Scratch
- Admin Panel to manage the E-Shop From Scratch
- Great E-Shop Architecture
- Admin product management
- Admin user management
- Admin Order details page
- Changing the orders states (shipped, delivered ..)
- Handling cart
- Product Filtering
- Login And Authentication
- Checkout process (placing orders)
- Using Database in the cloud
- Deployment to Production Servers.
- Using External Libraries
- and much more …
After this course you will have a full working e-commerce Angular Apps that you can use or add to your portfolio, even you can take the code of the E-Shop and adjust it to fit for your needs and create your own E-Shop platform.
Who this course is for:
- Full stack, Forntend or Backend web developers that want to learn MEAN by building a real-world apps
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